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Markus Kage & Ryan Bones – My Boss is A Dick

During a heated argument about who to promote next, Markus Kage and Ryan Bones figure it’s better to settle their debate with their clothes off. Ryan pulls his cock through his dress pants fly and quickly asserts his dominance, bending Markus over and sliding his cock in Markus’ ass. After getting his ass fucked, Markus whips his cock out and Ryan gets straight to servicing the thick meat. Ryan takes his time deepthroating Markus’ hefty dick, making sure to lick up and down his shaft and around his balls. Now that Markus has had Ryan’s mouth, he wants his hole as he bends his co-worker over and works his pole deep into Ryan’s ass bareback. The ass stretching doesn’t stop until Markus sits back and gets blasted with Ryan’s load as he erupts with his own that oozes down his cock.
