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Mason Dean Gets Deep in Troy Accola

In the newest gay porn release from ColbyKnox, Mason Dean gets deep inside superstar Troy Accola!!! As soon as we scheduled the scene Mason started counting down the days with glee, looking forward to the day when he would get to shove his massive cock inside of Troy’s tight tan-lined ass. Among other things, both these boys have the most adorable baby faces, watching them stare into each others eyes while they fuck is mesmerizing. They start out with some foreplay, taking their time and really getting the most out of their day together. After they take turns sucking one another’s impressive throbbing cocks, Mason moves straight to burying his face in Troy Accola’s beautiful hungry ass. Things really heat up when Mason Dean plants his big dick inside of Troy and really starts to go to pound town. The noises that come out of Troy while he gets fucked could easily be a top selling single on Amazon, so unique and authentic. Watching Mason pump away with his big dick is like watching an artist at work, this boy has clearly honed his craft. Laying on his back looking up at Mason while he fucks away at him finally takes him over the top and he erupts a hot impressive load of cum all over his tight tan abs. Mason reciprocates by breeding Troy’s ass, filling him to the brim with his hot gooey load.


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