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Master XXL & Joel Tamir – Whoremasters

We’re not entirely convinced that Joel Tamir is so engrossed with what’s on his phone that he doesn’t notice a mystery assailant coming up from behind to have his wicked way with him; but what we can say with definite assurance is that the big-dicked cock-fiend is bowled over big time when he’s finally confronted by Master XXL’s hunky physique towering above him. And no fucking wonder! The handsome black dude fills the screen with almost god-like proportions; and it’s little surprise that Tamir can’t wait to get the fellow’s monster black mamba out into the open so that he work his lips around every throbbing inch on offer. Master’s attention, meanwhile, not unnaturally centres on the white boy’s ass, which – having gobbled away on Tamir’s lily-coloured cock for a few moments – soon takes centre-stage; as the beefy stud ploughs every disgustingly fat inch of black meat into the twink’s defenceless guts. It’s at this point that you almost expect Tamir to call a halt to proceedings, fearing the schlong might tear him in two. To his credit, however, the stalwart rides it like a pro; squirting mid-fuck in appreciative fashion, before taking a mega blast of jizz up the rear from Master!


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