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Michael Roman & Parker Logan – Cum Tunnels

This is not the first time that Parker Logan has fucked Michael Roman. When the 2 fuck buds found out the other was in Palm Springs – they asked to do an on-cam fuck. Michael had been out all day taking loads. So many he lost count. He had also been drinking and showed up with a bottle of tequila already 1/3 swallowed. Parker is completely turned on by the muscle stud being full of cum and liquored up. As he starts to open up the hole with his big fat cock and fuck it good – he starts to get turned on by the idea of Michael being sloppy stupid fucked up drunk and encourages him to drink. You can witness Michael getting stupider inebriated as the fuck goes on and Parker gets to have his way with the sweaty slut hole pig. When it comes time to breed, Parker has Michael take another swig of the tequila to send him over the edge as his squirts his cum in the totally fucked up fag’s hole.


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