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Mick & Sean

Sexy stud Sean and tall handsome Mick are both blessed with huge dicks. They’re about to shoot it out on the court before shooting all over each other in the bedroom. “Leave the basketball courts to you and the bedsheets and pillows to me,” Sean tells Mick. Sean has a mischievous smile as he grills Mick about what’s to come. “Have you ever sucked dick before,” Sean asks. “No I have not,” responds Mick. “Well that’s going to happen today,” Sean says smiling. “Did you ever eat ass before,” Sean asks. “No I have not,” responds Mick. “Well that’s going to happen today,” says Sean. “For the grand finale, have you ever been fucked before,” asks Sean. “No I have not,” responds Mick. “Oh well, that’s definitely going to happen today!” Exclaims Sean. Sean leaves Mick with a little friendly advice; “A good thing for you to get prepared is drink lots of water, because I’m about to rip your asshole apart!” Mick smiles nervously, “I’m a little nervous, but hey I think it’ll be all good in the end.” “I’m excited, I get a virgin. I can’t wait!” Says Sean.


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