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My Grandpa & Pops Are Fucking Part 1 – Jake Marshall, AJ Marshall & Nick Milani

AJ Marshall stepped into the room and watched Jake Marshall fucking Nick Milani. Jake leaves the room and lets AJ fuck that smooth College ass. AJ takes his time with Nick sucking and licking every spot on his body. Nick moans with pleasure as his fantasies become reality. AJ can’t wait any longer and pushes his hard cock into Nick fucking him slowly and intimately and at times pounding that ass deep and hard. Nick flips the script and rides AJs hard dick like a champ until he is flipped back over onto his back. As AJ continues to fuck him Jack comes back into the room and puts his throbbing Step Grandpas cock into his mouth as AJ pounds away. AJ can’t take it no longer and unleashes a huge nut all over Nick and Jake blows his load all over Nicks face.
