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Need To Cum – Rikk York, FX Rios & Damien Vasquez

RIKK YORK wanted to get fucked and just kept telling me he wanted BIG dicks. I somehow had the good fortune to not only bring in both FX RIOS and DAMIEN VASQUEZ, but to get the two tops at a moment when neither of them had shot a load in a several days. Translation – – – they both needed to cum. This is how a tag team should be done. Damien –his ebony uncut dick with the foreskin that pulls back to reveal the pink dick head – and FX – with his stunning uncut Latin schlong – take turns, feeding off each other’s fucking energy as Rikk luxuriates in getting his popper-fueled hole worked over. As each man fucks him, Rikk seduces the other one, letting each know how much more he wants their cock inside him. Finally, the guys cannot hold back. The need to cum is too great and lucky Rikk gets soaked with sperm.


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