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Nicky & Caden

Nicky and Caden have known each other for less than an hour, but the chemistry between these two is already off the charts. It’s tall, bearded Caden’s first time ever on set, and Nicky says, “Which makes me the veteran, of sorts.” “It’s nice to be with a pro,” Caden replies. This big, strong hunk describes himself as a bottom “80% of the time” although he does enjoy topping guys smaller than him. They’re both excited to get started, and things quickly heat up as the guys kiss and undress each other. Caden first sucks Nicky, and then it’s Nicky’s turn to taste Caden’s dick before fingering his eager hole. Nicky fucks the bottom mish, then pounds that ass spoon. He sucks Caden’s cock and gets back on top before covering Caden’s face with his hot jizz!


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