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Nik Fros Mounts Oskar Ivan’s Ass – Hardcore Athletes

It is no secret that the Lucas Men care a lot about their bodies and work hard to maintain their incredible physiques. Take Nik Fros and Oskar Ivan for example. Both of these handsome men are in awesome shape. Nik Fros is broader whereas Oskar is a leaner. They are hanging out in the back yard of Lucas Entertainment’s Spanish villa challenging each other’s physically. Oskar even shows us his ability to do some impressible back flips. The adrenaline of Oskar Ivan and Nik Frost gets pumping, and they loose more and more clothing in the process. Soon, Oskar is on his knees worshiping the fat uncut cock of Nik Fros while running his hands all along the top’s thick muscular body. Before long the guys move inside where Nik Fros sees just how good of a pounding Oskar Ivan can take!
