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Nude Exchange – Milo Feroz & Mr. Peach Velvet

It came to the attention of Mr. Peach, director of the college, that nudes of an exchange student were circulating among the students. Knowing the trauma and problems this can cause for the student, the director called Milo to talk and understand what had happened. Milo explains that it wasn’t really a problem, as he had already worked selling adult content for a long time and asked the director if he had seen the leaked video. Mr. Peach says he didn’t see anything and the student insists on showing him. Milo approaches the director and excitedly shows the video. Without knowing how to act, the director’s only reaction was to congratulate him on his performance, which was really very good from what he could see in the video. Milo, happy with the director’s reaction, decided to go further and show how excited he was. The director, embarrassed, says that he couldn’t do that there out of respect for the student and because someone could enter. Milo didn’t care and continued seducing the director who ended up giving in when he saw the student’s hard cock dangling in his face. Milo puts his dick deep down the stunned director’s throat. Not satisfied, he pulls down the director’s pants, making a delicious asshole. Mr. Peach moans and gives in, letting the student push his dick all the way up to his asshole, which is blinking with excitement. Upon seeing Mr. Peach’s huge cock, Milo picks up the pace and enjoys the director’s ass and, still horny, asks to feel that cock. The Director promptly responded and grabbed the student’s ass hard, making him cum again. But Milo wanted milk and fingered Mr Peach’s ass a lot while he sucked the cock until he got a cumshot from the director in his mouth. Relieved that no one had arrived, the Director recovered, but had no idea that Milo had left his cell phone recording…
