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On my fours for Beefcake Marcello

It took a while, but here I am On my fours for Beefcake Marcello, a sexy Construction worker who debuted at the end of last year. I thought he would be a one-time hit at BeefCakeHunter Land, but I am glad I was wrong because I know many Hunters will love to see him back. During our initial chat, I learned that he was packing almost a week’s load and that he hadn’t had actual sex in months. And as you guys can notice, Beefcake Marcello came back to BCH Land with a new look that makes him look sexier than ever, so my excitement was well justified, right, Hunters? Once on my knees between his legs, I started by playing with his enormous package, which became alive very quickly, in contrast with the apparent indifference on his part. Still, as I always say, sometimes the cock does all the “talking,” if you know what I mean because as soon I had him naked, that beautiful and perfect cock was ready to be enjoyed. Oh God, I did enjoy it! And for that, I wanted to have a visual from below, so I sucked him using a standing-up position. I sucked him for a long time; I was so into him and his serious face that I even asked him to call me names, something that he refused, lol. I know we would love him to be more verbal, but still, we have the rare moment when he asks me to use both of my hands when sucking him, which is a pleasant surprise. He looked down at the camera, which was hot, and that led me to lick his big balls like there was no tomorrow, lol. The moment to be On my fours for Beefcake Marcello arrived, so I begged him to be gentle at first, and I meant it; even though I was smiling, that dick was so hard that for sure it was going to hurt a bit. Thankfully, he was mindful and complied. He started slow and not that deep, but a few minutes into the pounding; I begged him to fuck me deep instead, lol; I was totally into the “Marcello zone.” I loved the way Beefcake Marcello drilled me and that he paid enough attention to the fact that he was working my hole…hot. I thought he wouldn’t cum like that, but he did! And he did cum abundantly, and I loved it! I hope you guys enjoy this video On my fours for Beefcake Marcello.


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