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On my fours for Beefcake Ray
March 2, 2022
24 min
Making On my fours for Beefcake Ray video took me some time. After we shot our first scene weeks ago, Beefcake Ray was not sure if he was going to be able to venture deeper into BeefCakeHunter Land. But you know that I can be very persistent, and I really wanted that South Asian cock inside me.
As you guys may noticed already, Beefcake Ray is a very quiet and serious Beefcake, something that is not too appealing for some Hunters, but for me, it represented a challenge, and like I said above, I was craving that dark, thick and hard cock to enjoy some more while he is still around the BCH arena.
So, we started in the bedroom. He was sitting down at the edge of the bed, while I was joking about his shoes and playing around with his bulge, I was able to get a few smiles from him. Then I moved to undressing him, before I feasted on his delicious balls. His reactions to that were priceless. I knew I was going in the right direction when I got that beautiful brown dick very hard for me to service it well, paving the way for me to be On my fours for Beefcake Ray.
Then he stood up next to the bed, playing with his cock to keep it hard while I was getting the condom. He is very proud of his tool, insinuating that I may have grabbed the wrong size condom lol, but then he surprisingly was very cooperative while penetrating me for the first time, I was expecting a more problematic beginning, but fortunately I was wrong, he was pounding me good.
It was the first time for Ray fucking a man-pussy I knew he wouldn’t cum like that, so after several minutes of been on my fours, I made him sat again and I sucked him good to make him cum. For five days of holding his load, like he stated, he didn’t cum much, but it was good enough for me to swallow and show a bit.