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On The Other Side – Bo Sinn & Manuel Skye

Bo Sinn calls up a number he finds advertising a glory hole service. When he gets there his hands are tied, his mouth taped shut and his cock shoved through a gloryhole to the eager mouth of Manuel Skye on the other side. Bo lets Manuel give him a deep and sloppy blowjob, but soon he wants more. The tattooed power top breaks free from his ropes, breaks down the wall and takes control of Manuel. Bo shoves his long cock down Manuel’s throat with his signature mercilessness, making the sexy bearded stud gag on his massive cock. Bo takes the cords that were around his wrists and wraps them around Manuel’s neck and cock while he plows into the toned stud’s eager ass. Manuel loves every second getting dominated by Bo, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as Bo fucks the cum out of him over the bathroom sink.


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