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Blue-eyed Palmer is a 28-year-old hunk originally hailing from the Midwest, but currently residing in San Diego. “I really don’t watch porn because the real thing is always better,” says athletic, chiseled Palmer. “I would consider myself bi. I’ve had experiences with girls, and with guys, but I can’t say which I like more. I guess it would depend on the person, and the vibe they give off,” states Palmer. “I probably play with my ass about twice a week just too kind of keep things…loose! It was easy for me to say yes the first time I got fucked because I had always been curious, and after I got used to things being in my ass it was an awesome orgasm; almost like an orgasm on steroids!” recalls Palmer. “If I had to choose between being a top or a bottom for the rest of my life; I would probably choose being a bottom.”


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