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Parker Gets Cocky

Parker’s one of those guys that just keeps getting hotter and hotter the more you learn about him and the better you get to know him. At first glance, he’s handsome, super sexy, has a tight and toned body, a great ass, and wonderful smile framed by luscious lips. Parker is far from just a pretty face (and body!), though! He’s a skilled photographer, a very talented artist, and incredibly outgoing and charismatic – he’s fun to be around, fun to chat with, and while he’s confident and self-assured he also enjoys poking fun at himself and seems ready and eager at every opportunity to talk about sex and what turns him on. Parker is absolutely perfect for porn – he loves sex and isn’t the least bit shy about that, loves making himself and others feel good, and looks flawless while doing all of the above. I’m thrilled he found his way to CF, and even more thrilled to find out what he has in store for us!


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