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Pass the Twink – Ashton Summers, Tyler Sweet & Alex Riley

Flanked by beautiful bookends, Ashton Summers and Alex Riley, Tyler Sweet is a succulent stud snack; and, he revels in the erotic attention. The bronze skinned brunettes sample Sweet’s delectable flesh, as the horny thrupple share in a three way, strip down-make out sesh. Feeling the boy’s briefs bulge gets Bates heated; so, the young hottie heads down to satisfy his carnal craving with a double portion of pole. From then on, Bates and Summers service Sweet with lusty licks, and deep dick drilling, making sure his horny holes never go hungry. The swarthy young studs circle the beautiful bottom like hungry sharks, working as a pair to slam Sweet into sensory overload, tag teaming his holes in schlong smashing spit roasts, and a raw rod ride. Watching Summers dick the dude doggy causes Bates to blow; luckily, Sweet is there, ready to swallow, and suck down the stud’s spunk for him. The fresh cream takes Tyler to the edge; and, he returns the favor in Ashtin’s open mouth. Thirsty for more, the cum whore takes a second helping from Summers’ jizzing jock, before the thirsty thrupple share the load love with a final kiss.


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