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Plug your cock in me – Franklin Acevedo & Bruno Cano

When his ass is on fire, Colombian power bottom Bruno Cano loves to enchant and seduce the first alpha male he meets and this time he had a very greedy occasion. He has called an electrician to fix a power fault and gets a huge surprise when he opens the door to Franklin Acevedo, with his monster bulge on full display. Bruno needs only few winks to show his intentions and in a minute he kneels down to suck the massive hard dick in front of him, licking and swallowing every single inch like it was his last meal. Anxious to dip that fierce cock of his, Acevedo sits on the couch and makes Bruno ride him, pumping and thrusting his 9 raw inches of pure passion into the boy’s smooth hole. When at the end moans get louder Franklin cannot resist anymore and finishes all over Bruno’s angelic face, covering it with thick white cum!


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