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Sir Peter & Ricky Hard Double Team Valentin Amour – Pounded In Public View

Valentin Amour and Sir Peter already have a strong chemistry of dominance and submission from some time they spent together in Europe last year. Valentin has already taken Sir Peter’s enormous cock up his ass, and he’s never stopped thinking about it. Now that Valentin Amour is vacationing with his buddy, Ricky Hard, in Mexico, he invites Sir Peter to join them since he too was in the area. Whenever Sir Peter is around, the scene quickly turns sexual, and both Ricky Hard and Valentin Amour set to work on pleasuring his huge, throbbing uncut cock. But Valentin Amour didn’t expect Ricky Hard to join forces with Sir Peter, take him to a secluded area, and leave his ass gaping open from a brutal fuck!


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