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Pride Parade Pounding – Garrett Kinsley & Derek Shaw

Join our Helix hottie’s at the Pride parade, where there’s magic in the air, and dirty thoughts in Garrett Kinsley’s head! Dancing with uber hunk, Derek Shaw gets Garrett’s gears turning, and we get a gorgeous peek into the pretty boy’s mind’s eye. There, he’s sucking face with Shaw, and the smoky smolder seems to melt their clothes away. Kinsley kisses his way to Derek’s rock hard dick, which is so big it protrudes out his drawers! He unwraps the oversized package, and gets right to work sucking, and smacking himself in the face with the fat phallus. Horned up, and hungry, Derek pantses the dirty blond dick sucker, and makes a meal of Garrett’s meat. Wanting to wet his work area, Shaw turns the tan twink around, and plunges his tongue into that tight hole. Then, he slips the entire epic length of his cock inside. He pounds Kinsley’s keister, causing the beautiful bottom to arch in ecstasy. After some delicious doggy style, Shaw smashes the boy’s butt on his back, and his side while smacking that bubble, and making Garrett say who’s ass it is. Cumming into the home stretch, Kinsley hops on for a wild ride, bucking the big beast till his dong dishes out an epic load, all over Shaw’s studly stomach. Covered in sultry, sex sweat, Derek pulls out, and empties his D all over his bottom’s beautiful backside. Wanting to feel that warmth inside, Kinsley sits back down on the king sized cock, and plants another kiss on his handsome top.


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