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Priest’s Sins – Ikarus & Fabio Recattado

With nothing to do, and on a rush for lust, Ikarus opens an dating-app looking for the next dude who will quench his thirst for good sex. By destiny’s decision, he ends up meeting Fábio, who instigates his desire even more. The pictures of the bearded and hairy man leaves Ikarus with a hard-on and ready for his next adventure. Without further ado, Ikarus asks Fábio for his address, who is already dying to mess with the tattooed hunk. Once at the indicated address, Ikarus gets a surprise: his prey for the day is a priest, and the slaughterhouse is at the back of the church. Ikarus is hesitant at first, but the good priest reassures him, assuring him that he’ll purify the soul of this naughty sinner. And what better way than to show repentance for your sins than by falling on your knees to a holy man like Father Fábio? Ikarus sucks the priest’s cock, moaning with lust, sensing the male smell on Fábio’s balls, looking deep into his eyes showing what a thirsty slut he is. After much penance, kneeled on the floor, Fábio pulls Ikarus to bless his mouth, kissing the dirty boy’s mouth passionately, leaving him even hornier. Fábio then decides to show Ikarus that he also knows how to pray on his knees, and sucks the tattooed boy’s cock, rubbing his beard against his stallion’s big balls, sucking like a calf and smearing Ikarus’s dick with his spit. After spending a long time on Ikarus’s dick, Fábio takes him to bed, where he rimms Íkarus’s smooth and warm ass, until the hunk begs to be poked in the ass. Fábio is kind and charitable towards those in need, so he willingly responds to Ikarus’s pleas. The father fucks his devotee with strength and passion, while Ikarus moans like the little whore he is. Showing that it’s in giving that you receive, Fábio decides to relieve Ikarus’s lust for his ass and rides the fucker, full of desire. To finish with a flourish, Fábio goes back to fucking the tattooed boy’s hole, and pours all his milk on Ikarus’ ass. Ikarus didn’t know that, that afternoon, he would experience the pleasures of Sodom, but Fábio was ready to show that, when it comes to a naughty, tattooed male, there is no holy man who can resist his attempts.


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