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Raging Hard On – Travis Stevens & Cameron Parks

Rush hour traffic is a bitch; but when you run hot like Cameron Parks, it can stress anyone out. Lucky for our boy, he’s got blond babe Travis Stevens in the car to calm his nerves. Travis knows just how to calm Cam, reaching across the stick shift and giving Parks’ piece a lil’ love. Cameron pulls over to the shoulder and our gorgeous guys get bust right there in the car…. in public!after some mutual masturbation, Cameron fills up HIS tank with Mr. blond twink’s smooth shaft, deep throating that “D” like a cock hungry contortionist in the back seat! Parks leans back in the black leather seat while Travis tickles his tonsils on his tripod. The boys turn up the heat at their road side ass attraction when Cameron hops on Stevens’ sheath free schlong and takes it for a spin. Travis rest stop is aching for some action and Parks plunges his pretty blond back door like the porn prince he is! Knowing they need to get back on the road, Travis takes stress relieving matters into his own bone, topping Parks’ tense tush once more and banging the road rager till he releases every drop of sticky stress onto his smooth, taut stomach. Stevens’ whips his big rig out and blasts Parks’ spent, satisfied sac and pretty pink pucker with two thick white roads of heavy cream. But, our boy doesn’t stop there! He pushes forward, paving the inside of Parks’ beautiful back road with his raw load.


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