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Raiin is a 26-year-old attractive, chiseled Russian-import who has been living in the U.S. for about a year now. He couldn’t take the cold anymore, and decided he would settle in the South. “One thing I love is that there are way more opportunities here, and more ways to earn money,” says brown-haired Raiin. “Usually, I like gentle sex with kissing and hugging, but I can slap you and spit on you if you want it,” says Raiin amusingly. “I’ve had sex girls and guys, so I would consider myself as bi,” affirms Rain. “I like a guy with an athletic body, but not over muscled or too skinny. He should also have a smooth, shaved body, and dick! I like them around my age group, and with at least 1 or 2 tattoos.” Now this is a man who knows exactly what he wants!


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