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Ransom & Tyler Graves – Serviced

I was very eager to get Tyler Graves on the massage table. I love his tight, muscled-body and thought it would be hot to see him all oiled-up! Ransom was into it too. Tyler has very little experience with dudes, so I suspect we will be stepping him through his limits slowly, if at all. But for now, we got him on the table, and the dude loved all the rubbing and attention. Ransom worked on his back side, and rimmed his ass for the first time. He didn’t even giggle with the beard tickling his ass, and I think he got-off making a dude lick his hole. Once flipped over on his back, there was some serious attention paid to jerking and sucking his cock. We did have a video playing for him, but he didn’t seem to pay much attention to it. And as usual, Ransom was determined to make Tyler cum. He jerked him solidly for about 5 minutes, until Tyler had a massive orgasm, with cum shooting up into Ransom’s mouth! Ransom left him there, spent and covered in cum, gasping from the intense session!


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