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Raw Dogging Part 1 – Puppy Foreplay

I met Jonah Fontana a couple of years ago and I can honestly say he is one of the most handsome men you will ever meet in person – he kind of takes my breath away. I also soon learned that when he cums, he has these geyser volcano cumshots with his jizz spurting 6 feet across the room. Jonah hit me up and told me he was going to be in town and he was bringing his pack with him. We’re talking a complete leather-geared puppy pack comprised of masters Jonah and Aleks Buldocek and puppies Lorenzo Flexx and Tyler Griz. I wasn’t really sure what I was getting myself into, but sat back to enjoy the show. These dogs are serious. The commitment is complete and fascinating – and if you are like me and know very little about puppy play, I think you will find it as incredibly sexy as I do. The scene starts off with about 10 minutes of puppy foreplay – for real – full growling, barking, sniffing and pawing – but keep an eye on Jonah’s hard PA bejeweled cock sticking out of his jock. This is about sex. It doesn’t hurt that these guys are gorgeous. We broke this scene up into two parts so if you want to get right to the puppy fucking, you can go right to Part 2.


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