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Raw power – Viktor Rom & Apolo Sanchez

This week prepare to enjoy a bareback fuck that you’ll remember for long time! Our dominant hunk top Viktor Rom encounters the Brazilian newcomer Apolo Sanchez, that once more arrives on our set craving for the biggest cocks around. Viktor loves submissive guys like Apolo and after a juicy long rimming session, he offers his monster dick to the kneeling buddy, that simply can’t keep his mouth off it and shows all his amazing sucking skills. Having prepared his work tool properly, Viktor delivers it bareback, deep inside Apolo’s open hole. The Brazilian kinky bottom seems to be insatiable: Viktor pounds it hard in every possible position, while Apolo continues to beg for more action. Riding Viktor’s thick man cock and having his ass filled raw is what really has him squirting his load out all over himself. Viktor is no exception and after ordering his buddy to open his mouth, fills it with a messy cum shot that Apolo drinks with pleasure. Right after in the shower, Apolo asks for more action and Viktor gifts him with his hot golden rain!


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