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Raw Rapture – Tristan Adler & Zach Letoa

Overcome with red hot, raw, cock hungry lust, Tristan Adler and Zach Letoa lay into one another hard as hell from the jump! The brunette bone bangers tear off one another’s clothes while tasting each other with deep kisses as they grope at their engorged groins. Thirsty throat master, Tristan bows before Letoa’s large, looming loin; then, he crams the perfectly curved cock all the way down his throat, nuzzling Letoa’s nut filled nads at the base. Zach returns the favor, deep throating the sexed up slut’s swollen schlong like an expertly trained sword swallower. With an ass like Letoa’s around, Adler’s appetite for ass is absolutely on fire! He quenches that hot hunger by burying his pretty face in his guy’s super smooth, wide open back seat. After eating his full, he takes Letoa on a top tier fuck tour, tearing up the hottie’s hole hard, just the way Letoa likes it. Adler absolutely assassinates the dude’s donk, spanking the cock whore’s cakes like it’s his birthday as he packs his present deep. The final stop on the torrid tour is a raunchy ride and Zach thanks his hard hitting top by gifting him with a more than generous amount of glorious goo, absolutely COVERING Tristan’s torso with a TON of hot twink toss. The warm nut on his chest sends sticky signals to the top’s titanic down below. He pulls that bangin’ cock candle out and lights his lad’s ass up with a gorgeous glazing.


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