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Red Hot Festivities Part 1: The Threesome Before Christmas

December begins and the Helix Latinos guys know it. Our Christmases in this southern hemisphere are much warmer, the temperatures in this hemisphere are HOT, and our boys raised the temperature by putting together the Christmas Tree. Cesar Rose, Antu Burghos and Liam Travis give us a trio of pleasure, penetrations and blowjobs, but with the accompaniment of Sly Conan, Tommy Ameal, Dante Roman, Giorgio Angelo and Daryl Briggs, who around the trio, will masturbate their members while they delight of pleasure watching the protagonists. The End will be VERY WET, and hot like our weather around here. Antu and Liam kiss heatedly, while everyone will end up in their mouths. But these red-hot Festivities will not end here, until Christmas Eve they will bring us more sex scenes next to the bright tree this Christmas.


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