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Refuge Part 3 – Max Adonis, Tyler Berg & Ricky Blue

It’s been two nights since mysterious stranger Ricky Blue entered their home, and Tyler Berg and Max Adonis both agree it’s time for him to leave. Tensions between the husbands are high as they disagree about how to oust the houseguest, but when Ricky follows them to the bedroom and takes out his big cock, they decide he can stay a little longer! Tyler and Max take turns sucking Ricky’s big cock and getting their asses stretched by it, in a threesome that brings a bit of extra spice to their marriage. Soon Max is pounding Tyler’s ass as Ricky fucks Max doggystyle, and then it’s Tyler’s turn to fuck his husband as Max sucks Ricky’s cock till all three guys cum. But just when Tyler and Max think Ricky’s left, they learn the shocking truth…


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