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Return of the COB – Dani Robles, Denis Vega, Ross Hurston & Ruslan Angelo

The Board of Directors of Pinstripe Realty Worldwide has lost their confidence in their CEO’s ability to lead the company and has fired him. After 15 years, COB (Chairman of the Board) Ross Hurston returns to the Executive chair on an interim basis while he trains the COO, Ruslan Angelo, as his successor. After reviewing the end-of-year financial statements with Ruslan, the Chairman is convinced that the sales team is not performing optimally and calls for a special meeting. Chairman Hurston demands that his senior management deliver action! And, Dani Robles and Denis Vega can start by… Fucking! Ensuring the COB is pleased, Ruslan plays with the powerful daddy before being ordered to join the other two. In the boardroom what the Chairman wants, he gets – and Ross Hurston is Ready to Play and Get Down To Business! The four executives take turns sucking, fingering, rimming and fucking! First Denis fucks Ruslan, while Ross fucks Dani. Next, the versatile COB gets fucked by the big dicked Ruslan, followed by Denis, and finally Dani. The Board Room hits scorching temperatures when Ross, Ruslan, and Dani fuck in a lucky pierre position before his subordinates shoot their loads of cum all over the chairman. What an epic meeting to welcome the Return of the COB! Pinstripe Realty Worldwide – Ready to Play.


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