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Revved Up And Ready To Fuck – Kenzo Alvarez, Liam Alyesto & Arno Antino

Race car drivers Kenzo Alvarez, Arno Antino, and Liam Alyesto celebrate their wins on the podium, but when Liam gets hit in the ass with an errant cork, his good mood is ruined! Arno finds Liam drying off in the bathroom and apologizes, then soon starts kissing his sexy rival. Before long, Arno is fucking Liam doggystyle, and Kenzo walks in and strokes himself as he watches. These guys may drive high-performance cars, but they know a thing or two about trains, as Arno soon finds himself getting pounded by Kenzo as he penetrates Liam. Never mind popping bottles, the best way to celebrate on race day is popping boners and taking facials!
