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Rhyheim Shabazz & Sean Zevran

Sean Zevran & Rhyheim Shabazz are together again…for the first time at CockyBoys! In this condom-free rematch Sean returns to welcome Rhyheim, self-produced porn star and though they’ve filmed before, they have all the enthusiasm of first timers. Their friendly but powerful sexual chemistry abounds from the start as Sean gulps down Rhyheim’s long boner while Rhyheim fingers and devours Sean’s big muscular ass…and neither can get enough! At one point Rhyheim lifts Sean upside down while rimming him and Sean sucks him back in a vertical 69 before they’re in horizontal position Sean taking as much cock in his throat while Rhyheim eats his ass. Soon it’s just Sean sucking him deep, with a little help, before Rhyheim gets behind him and drills down on his wet hole. Rhyheim owns Sean’s hole and body before flipping him back against him to thrust up into him and let Sean ride his powerful cock. Rhyheim soon plows Sean from the side and on his back right to the edge of the bed. With his cock imbedded inside him Rhyheim picks up Sean and sits on the love seat so the muscular bottom can ride him hard in both directions and take his powerful thrusts. With super-human sexual stamina Rhyheim turns Sean around to fuck him in a pile driver. Rhyheim soon pulls out to spill his cum over Sean’s hole and breeds him with continuous deep fucking. Rhyheim slurps up what jizz remains and gives Sean a protein kiss. Then Rhyheim lets him suck his still-hard cock which excites Sean to the point of lying back and shooting his own thick load. Before he’s even finished Rhyheim slurps it up, drools some over Sean’s hole, fucks it into him, and fingers his hole with a little more jizz…all just for Sean!


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