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Ricky Roman & Wess Russel

Wess Russel returns to Cockyboys and Ricky Roman is VERY excited to welcome him back! After spending a little time together, Ricky notices that his chemistry with Wess is increasing the more they chat…. and make out! Ricky soon wants to taste Wess and is down on his knees sucking his steel-hard rock and making it disappear down his throat. After his fantastic fellatio, Ricky bends Wess over to eat his ass and open him up. Ricky gets an obedient Wess on the bed to suck him more and get into an intensely pleasurable 69 with him. Ricky tells Wess he wants to fuck him and as he makes out with him, Wess doesn’t mince words, “Well then…fuck me!” Ricky has a little more sucking and foreplay in his toolbox before he lets Wess sit on his cock and ride his thrusting cock. Almost immediately their bodies are in sync like longtime lovers as they fuck & kiss. After Wess briefly rides him in a reverse cowboy, Ricky switches positions knowing intuitively Wess will like it more getting fucked on his back. Ricky is right again as he fucks a big, load out of Wess and while it’s still warm and fresh he scoops it up to lube Wess’ hole! Rick pounds Wess from behind against the couch until he climaxes, pulls out and coats his hole. He slides his cock back in and both their loads are now inside Wess. They’re both grateful as they kiss because both got exactly what they wanted!


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