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Ride: Take a Chance – Aiden Garcia & Blake Dyson

Out on a scenic drive, Aiden Garcia spots cute twink, Blake Dyson stranded with his hood up. The pretty blond boy looks like he’s in desperate need of help, and Aiden is in desperate need for ass. So, he pulls over to help the hottie out. Blake confesses he knows nothing about cars, and Garcia gathers he’s telling the truth, since the only thing wrong with his ride is, no gas. Garcia let’s the lad know he’s got a full gas can at his place; so, the boys hit the pavement. Once at Aiden’s place, Dyson decides to thank the lusty latin with his deep throat skills, which Aiden returns in kind. Next on the young man menu is Blake’s beautiful backside. Garcia goes in deep, tongue first, getting the clean cut cutie’s cock hungry hole ready for his long, latin twink tool. Next, he slides his incredible, uncut dick in and REALLY tunes the twink up with thick dicked thrusts. Garcia could use a nice tune up too; and, big bonered Blake does Aiden’s ass right! The two beauties flip flop once more, with Dyson taking another ride from Aiden, this time on his perfect latin pole. Garcia can feel his gooey gasket boiling over and explodes right in the dude’s tight tailpipe. The warm nut in his butt makes Blake go crazy and he blasts boy butter all over that smooth peaches and cream torso of his.


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