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Ridick Services Louis Ricaute’s Manly Needs – Gentlemen 35: Bedroom Bosses

Louis Ricaute has a reputation for being tough in the boardroom and even tougher in the bedroom. Ridick is aware of this, as rumors get around the office fast. Ridick made himself available to Louis as much as possible, putting up with whatever complaints or demands he had. But it paid off because when Louis needed an assistant on a business trip, it was Ridick he chose. And by needing an assistant, Louis needed someone to take care of all of his needs. Ridick excitedly understands when Louis pulls him in by his tie for a kiss, and the two start making out. Wordlessly, Ridick knows what’s meant for him—it’s what he’s been waiting for. So he sinks to his knees and opens his mouth wide to pleasure his boss… before they take it inside and Ridick finds out just how demanding Louis can be when he’s horny and needs a man pussy to drop a load in!


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