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Riley Dicks Kyler

Our inbox (use the feedback links on the site once in awhile, if ya want! We love hearing from ya!) has been flooded with messages from members wanting to see Riley get that dick of his in Kyler, and for good reason. It’s a common enough occurrence – a new guy debuts at CF with a big, hot dick and people immediately start thinking of which other CF guys they want to see that cock buried in. Folks wanted to see Riley’s dick deep in Zander, and also wanted to see it deep in Kyler. We’re not ones to disappoint, so here’s the action so many of you have wanted – Riley railing Kyler! Part of why we all wanted to see Riley fucking Kyler is how Kyler reacts to having a big dick pumping in and out of him. The way he gasps and moans, the looks on his face, and the loads he shoots while getting fucked are all priceless. And yes, we love seeing Kyler’s own impressive cock in action. But seeing it bounce and swing around while he’s riding a cock is just as hot! Riley responds to the way Kyler reacts to his cock – he loves seeing just how much that dick of his is driving another guy wild and he gives Kyler all he can handle!


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