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Rocko Bottom Group – Hard Cuts 3

The other thing Liam Cole is great at is capturing the essence of real men having real sex. The ROCKO BOTTOM group was filmed in a basement in Berlin. Rocko, ALDO JAEGER, MARKUS and ROD are 4 fuck buds who invited Liam in to document their sex party. It is captivating in it’s sleaziness. This was deliberately left long to give you the experience of being there. Grab your poppers and sit back with your hard dick in your hand for this one. In the dark room Rod and Rocko suck Aldo and Markus’ dicks. It isn’t immediately clear who is getting fucked. Both Rod and Markus offer up their holes to the hard dicks before Rocko and his hairy German ass becomes the main fuck and sperm event with even versatile Rod taking a turn ramming his ass good.


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