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Rocky & Dane Double Penetrating Jared

Jared might just be the luckiest guy at CF over the course of the next 20+ minutes, as he gets tag-teamed by two of our all-time favorite studs, Rocky and Dane. Who among us hasn’t fantasized about being in the very place Jared finds himself in at the start of this one, on his knees going back and forth as Rocky and Dane feed him their dicks and he does all he can to suck on and worship each one? Credit where credit is due, though – Jared earns the position he’s in here! Not many guys could keep up with getting tagged by Rocky and Dane, but Jared has no problem with it at all. He knows how to suck dick, and knows how to take a pounding! He knows how to take a pounding so well, in fact, there’s a point at which Rocky and Dane don’t even have to take turns fucking him and can instead work both their hard cocks in to his hole at the same time for an intense DP. Getting worked over by Rocky and Dane makes Jared blast out a huge load – the first among the three to cum. That sends Rocky and Dane over the edge and they each drench him in cum.


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