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Rocky Emptying Eli

Rocky and Eli are definitely two of the most popular guys at CF right now, and it’s not hard to see why. Each of these guys is as sexy as can be, and their looks are matched by their skills in the bedroom when giving and receiving solid fucks. What I really had fun with in seeing the two of them go at it here is how they’re clearly fans of one another just as much as we’re all fans of them both. You can tell in the expressions on their faces and the words they utter and moan throughout the action they know they’re in the company of a young stud who’s darn good at what he’s doing, and it makes for some wonderfully hot sex. The treat for Eli at the end of this one? Eli loves getting painted with a huge load, and no one fires off bigger loads than Rocky! Just listen to Eli as that cum starts blasting out and totally drenching him in cum!
