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Rocky Fucking Isaac

By now, we know Isaac has himself a nice, fat dick. And yeah, we definitely love seeing that dick in action! But what we also love is seeing that dick get harder and harder as it sways and bounces around while Rocky pumps his own fat dick in and out of Isaac’s hole and turns a horny young freshman into an eager bottom! Isaac’s a tall, lean, tight-bodied, big-dicked freshman who arrived at CF ready to experience and explore new things, and eager for some hot fun. We were more than happy to help make all that happen, and knew we’d love seeing the results play out on screen! As shy as Isaac might seem at first, it turns out he’s a man possessed once he gets Rocky’s cock plunging in and out of his hole! Isaac’s overcome with how intense it all feels, and the looks on his face and noises coming out of his mouth make that clear. Of course, just how hard his dick is while Rocky’s pumping his hole also make that clear, as does the big load Isaac fires off while Rocky fucks him! A number of our freshmen have landed at CF, and soon after found themselves totally blown away by how good Rocky is at what he does and how incredible sex with him is. Count Isaac among those freshmen now!


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