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Rocky Rails Bryce

We’ve all been gushing over Bryce (which is precisely what Rocky at the end of this one, heyyyy) since he first arrived at CF, and that first round of action we were treated to seeing him in with Calan only left each and every one of us wanting more, more, and more of him. Well, it is indeed time for more Bryce, right here and right now! Here’s hoping Bryce showed up to this one ready and eager to get his hole relentlessly railed, because that’s exactly what Rocky does to it. And if Bryce wasn’t hot enough in his introductory solo and the action we’ve seen him in since, he’s looking hotter than ever splayed out on the bed getting drilled by Rocky. We’re all a bit hardpressed trying to decide who we’d rather be in this scenario – Bryce, getting pumped and pounded every which way by Rocky’s big uncut dick, or Rocky getting to go to town on studly young Bryce’s tight hole? If being soaked in cum is the tiebreaker for you, then you’re going to want to be Bryce here because he ends this episode totally drenched by Rocky’s load.


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