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Rocky Rails Tony

I think Rocky had been looking forward to this one for some time! Just watch how Rocky has his hands all over Tony from the very start, and see that big smile on Rocky’s face. It’d seem Tony’s won over all of his CF studs in no time, or word’s gotten around among ’em that he’s brilliant in bed and knows how to show you a good time! Without a doubt, Tony went into this one looking forward to it a whole lot. It’s no secret Rocky’s hung and knows how to put that cock to work. What we’ve also seen with Rocky over the years is while he can drill and fill you like no other, his passionate side is an increasingly prominent side; I’m hard-pressed to guess whether Rocky likes to fuck or kiss more, judging by what he does with Tony here! Given how much both of these guys have been looking forward to finally getting a piece of one another, they weren’t going to let any of this opportunity go to waste. Rocky sets out to show Tony what he’s been missing, and fucks him as long, hard, and deep as he can. Rocky pounds Tony’s tight hole and has Tony wailing and moaning, and is sure to treat Tony to constant kissing and even toe-sucking while at it. While CF fans are going to see this incredibly hot episode and demand we get these two back together as soon as possible, I know it’s Rocky and Tony who are going to be the first ones insisting on a rematch!


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