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Rocky Riding Archer

We’ve been getting a steady stream of requests to see Archer back in action since his last episode went up on the site, and we’ve been just as eager as all of you to make that happen! It’s no surprise that Archer won over many a CF fan through his previous action sessions – he’s cute, has a lean and defined body, and is packin’ a really big, thick, mouthwatering dick that’s not only quite the sight to behold but one he knows how to wield well! “Get Archer back to bury that big dick in some CF studs’ holes again!”, is what people were saying! Well, Archer is back to bury that big dick in a stud who knows a little something about big dicks! Rocky can wield his own impressive cock well, but now it’s his turn to be on the receiving end of a long, hard, firm, and very very deep drilling from Archer. Rocky seemed to be quite eager to make that happen, too, as his sucking and slobbering all over Archer’s cock at the outset of the action here suggests he was literally gagging for that dick! Archer gives Rocky what he wants and needs, and gives all of us a reason to be very glad he’s back in action in front of CF’s cameras!


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