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Roger is back

Yeah, handsome Roger is back for a supposed fuck scene, a very anticipated scene here at BeefCakeHunter Land but he seems not ready yet for our ultimate service, lol. Anyways, he has a lot of fans and I thought we all would be happy to at least service him again 😉 While I was finishing setting up for the shooting, he begun to ask about my sexual experiences when I was younger, of course my sexual life back then was very experimental, so he got to the conclusion that I may bisexual……ha ha ha, really Roger? He had so much fun talking about that topic. I always receive messages from Hunters asking me for tips on how effectively interact with straight men in order to take them to the bedroom, not for a video, but for a real life discrete encounter, so here is one tip: if a straight guy that you like is curious, fantasies about having one gay experience and of course he knows you are gay, having this kind of conversation is a mind opening experience, is a relaxing therapy that screams: “it is ok to enjoy sex with someone of your same gender, it is ok to enjoy sex as just sex”, believe me, it changes the mood for the better, I am talking for experience of my 38 years (kidding, I am 45, but Roger thought I am 38, and that is what matters! Lol) I am so glad that Roger is back, he is so sexy, with a beautiful smile, and he is very masculine, so I took this chance to make him strip up for us, and you can see that he does a good job, maybe he was a stripper before 😉 My servicing started with me on my knees while he was doing me some POV, that did not work out much since he was mostly directing his eyes to the porn, but I still managed to get him hard for the next angles, from below and far. There was a lot of deep throating while he was watching down, he also grabbed my back and my head to do some face fucking, at points it was like he was dancing with his delicious cock inside my mouth while you can hear his soft moaning in the background, yeah, that was Roger’s , not the porn! To finish him up, I made him seat again with his legs wide open, I got to his side and with a more aggressive blow job plus hands I squeeze a few drops of cum out this sexy Beefcake, I know, I was expecting more jizz for three days, but for sure he cum good. I will work harder to get him back soon for a fuck scene, I promise! I hope you guys enjoy this video Roger is back.


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