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Roman Feeds Chris & Dylan

Every handsome leading man who’s appeared in front of the cameras will inevitably say it – “But what I really wanna do is direct!”. Well, now’s Roman’s chance to direct! We all know Roman loves sex and when you see him fucking or getting fucked on camera, it’s obvious there’s nowhere else he’d rather be in that moment. I think after this blazing hot threesome, though, Roman’s starting to think he can have just as much fun regardless of what side of the camera he’s on. Mind you, he’s not really a disengaged director – this is a super hot POV threesome where Roman and Dylan pass the camera around while also passing Chris around! You get up close and personal with Chris, Dylan, and Roman in this one, while Dylan and Chris spend plenty of time on the receiving end of some deep dicking and loads blast out all over in our newest around of POV action!


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