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Roman Fucking Chris

Chris sure is settling in to things at CF wonderfully. This young stud is insatiably horny all the time, and isn’t the least bit afraid to admit that or try out and explore new ways to act on that horniness. In his solo, Chris told us about how he got in trouble for fucking a girl in a tanning booth at his gym, and he’s made no secret of the fact that he’s almost always “DTF”. Funny enough, even when we were with Chris as he was at the pharmacy getting a vaccine shot, he couldn’t help but hit on a girl he spotted from across the pharmacy (he struck out, by the way – my guess is it’s because he was wearing his mask so she couldn’t see that cute smile!). The guy who got kicked out of his gym for fucking in their tanning beds and tried to hit on a girl while waiting in line at the pharmacy is now about to take another man’s cock in his hole for the first time. There’s something supremely hot about that! Granted, it would have been a tremendous shame if Chris had not agreed to get fucked – with an ass like that, it’s a must we get to see a dick in it! Roman was more than happy to help make that happen, Chris was more than happy it was gonna happen, and Chris also finds out it is incredibly hot being on the receiving end of the kinds of hard poundings he’s used to giving!


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