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Roman Milking Dane

Dane and Roman are no strangers to one another, nor to what they’re about to get in to in this video – fucking and getting fucked! Indeed, each of these studs is set to fuck and get fucked in this one as it’s a blazing hot flip fuck episode! Dane and Roman are such naturals in front of the camera, in the bedroom, and with one another. We genuinely only have to fire up and flip on the cameras and let them do their thing, as having hot sex and making it look amazing comes second nature to each. One moment in particular that stands out as supremely natural and genuine amidst all of the hot action here is at the end, when Roman makes Dane cum. After Dane spent some quality time drilling Roman’s hole, Roman was taking his own turn on Dane’s ass while also jerking Dane off. With his partner’s actions doing it all, Dane fires off his load – it’s so hot when one guy makes another cum like that (hot enough that it got Roman to cum immediately after!


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