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Rough & Ready – Jean Franko & Malek Tobias

Life is stressful, and everyone needs to blow off some steam from time to time. Jean Franko, visiting his favorite watering hole, is focused on playing the slots and doesn’t want to hear Malek Tobias, the classed-up bartender, telling him it’s time to hit the road. So what does Jean do instead? Fuck Malek’s brains out! We’re betting Rough & Ready will get you hot and bothered. Jean Franko’s amazing uncut cock has damaged plenty of holes on our site and he does it again this week. After Malek drops to his knees to swallow Jean’s cock whole, Jean has a little fun teasing his plump, taut ass through his trousers. And those trousers a pretty flimsy because Jean rips right through them to get to Malek’s clenching hole. A lusty, hot fuck follows, with plenty of jizz splattering. Make sure you’re ready to get rough.
