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Rowan Swallows Dave

This summer, familiar faces – and asses, and dicks, and smokin’ hot bodies – have been returning to CF! Dave is the latest familiar face to return, and we’re getting to see his amazing ass, thick dick, and super smokin’ hot body in action with Rowan! It didn’t take long after his return for Dave to remind us all of how much fun he is to have around. He’s witty, funny, and of course supremely pleasant to look at! You just know he’s the life of the party wherever he goes, and Rowan ends up thoroughly glad he not only returned to CF himself recently, but got to welcome Dave back in this episode! Dave has a flawless cock and knows how to use it, and he puts that dick and those skills to work on Rowan’s hole now! You get the feeling Rowan spent his time away itching to get thoroughly railed again, while Dave has been looking forward to being able to absolutely go to town on another stud. It also seems to me Dave spent a good portion of his time away saving up the load he blasts all over Rowan’s tongue and face here!


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