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Ryan Lacey Fucks Collin Simpson

It’s about time that Ryan Lacey’s curiosity got the best of him. Collin Simpson popped his man-on-man cherry back on October 1st, 2018 when Ryan decided that a blowjob from Collin didn’t sound like too bad of an idea. A blowjob is a blowjob, right?! This time, things are different… and in a VERY good way. Ryan admitted to us that his BJ from Collin was better than he had EVER received from any girl and that fact alone was enough to keep young, big dick, Ryan thinking. Long story short, Ryan had heard that fucking in the ass is so much better and tighter. He thought this was worth exploring further and hit us up. We got him and Collin back together for round two of experimentation. We will put it this way… everything went VERY good and we’re pretty sure hottie Ryan will be scoping out guys to fuck in his personal life too. Go live your life Ryan!


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