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Ryan St Michael & Chase Puck – I Need My Stepdaddy

Chase’s family moves across the country after his stepdad Ryan gets a new job. Having left behind his old college, friends, relationships, and life, Chase has been feeling utterly depressed. He doesn’t want Ryan to find out he’s down because he knows how important his new job is to him and the family, yet the boy feels divided between his old life and his new one. He desperately wants to go back to his old college and be with his friends but he also feels he couldn’t be so far away from his stepdaddy. One day, Ryan notices Chase is under the weather and speaks to him about it. Chase instantly blurts all his feelings and how puzzled he really is about what’s going on. Ryan explains to him that he’s already a grown man and capable of making his own decisions. Chase appreciates his stepdad’s support but still can’t figure out how to be away from Ryan. Ryan reassures him that the two will never be apart from each other and gives the boy a very special gift to prove it.
